August 15, 2023

From Risk to Reward: Why Driver Safety Training is a Must-Have Investment for Your Company

How many hours per day do you spend driving on average? One hour? or 2 hours? It may depend on your commute to work and for other personal reasons. Also, include the time spent driving as part of your job or if driving is your full-time job. According to the European Transport Council, driving may…

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Christopher Njokanma

August 15, 2023

The Driver Safety Revolution: How Companies Are Embracing a Safer Future on the Roads

How come businesses’ interest in driver safety training programs increased by nearly 70 percent from 2020? In our company, Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for driver safety training have seen a significant jump, and we are only in the first quarter of the year. The increase is staggering and makes me wonder why there was such…

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Christopher Njokanma

August 14, 2023

Why Driver Safety Training Should Be Mandatory, Not Discretionary

There is a reason we all love sports teams that win games and championships. No one wants to back a loser. We enjoy watching our favorite teams and sports stars win trophies, but what we don’t do enough of is pull back the curtains to see what goes on behind the scenes. And when we…

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Christopher Njokanma